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This program is supported by MEXT’s scientific technology human resource development fee grant, "Program to Disseminate Tenure Tracking System".

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Home > Tenured Faculties > Fukuda Shinji

Tenured Faculties

Fukuda Shinji

Affiliation Institute of Agriculture
Division Division of Environmental and Agricultural Engineering
Research field Ecological Modelling, Ecohydraulics, Ecoinformatics
Keyword(S) Computational intelligence, Machine learning, Data-driven modelling, Agroecosystems
Research experience

・Feb. 2006-Mar. 2006: Research fellow
・Apr. 2006-Aug. 2008: Assistant Professor at the Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Kyushu University
・Mar. 2010-Jul. 2010: Visiting Scientist at Ghent University
・Mar. 2011-Jun. 2011: Visiting Scientist at Ghent University
・Mar. 2012-Jun. 2012: Visiting Scientist at Ghent University
・Sep. 2012-Feb. 2014: Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University
・Feb. 2014-Feb. 2019: Assistant Professor at the Instituite of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
・Feb. 2019-Sep. 2022: Associate Professor (Tenured), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
・Oct. 2022-Present: Professor (Career Challenge), Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

Educational background

・March 2001: Department of Agricultural Engineering, School of Agriculture, Kyushu University (BSc)
・March 2003: Graduate School of Bioresources and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University (MSc)
・January 2006: Graduate School of Bioresources and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University (PhD)


* The latest information is shown at the member's website.
(At Jun. 2014)

・Excellent Paper Award (Japan Society of Irrigation, Drainage and Reclamation Engineering; 2005)
・IWACIII 2011 Session Best Presentation Award (2011)
・Certificate of Excellence in Reviewing, Ecological Modelling (2014)

Selected papers and publications

* The latest information is shown at the member's website.
(At Feb. 2014)

・Fukuda, S., Yasunaga, E., Nagle, M., Yuge, K., Sardsud, V., Spreer, W., Müller, J. Modelling the relationship between peel colour and the quality of fresh mango fruit using Random Forests. Journal of Food Engineering, 131, 7–17, 2014.
・Fukuda, S., De Baets, B., Waegeman, W., Verwaeren, J., Mouton, A.M., Habitat prediction and knowledge extraction for spawning European grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) using a broad range of species distribution models. Environmental Modelling & Software, 47, 1–6, 2013.
・Fukuda, S., De Baets, B., Onikura, N., Nakajima, J., Mukai, T., Mouton, A.M., Modelling the distribution of the pan-continental invasive fish Pseudorasbora parva based on landscape features in the northern Kyushu Island, Japan, Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 23, 901–910, 2013.
・Fukuda, S., Spreer, W., Yasunaga, E., Yuge, K., Sardsud, V., Müller, J., Random Forests modelling for the estimation of mango (Mangifera indica L. cv. Chok Anan) fruit yields under different irrigation regimes, Agricultural Water Management, 116 , 142–150, 2013.
・Fukuda, S., De Baets, B., Do absence data matter when modelling fish habitat preference using a genetic Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy model? International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, 20, Suppl. 2, 233–245, 2012.

Research Description

My research activity consists of laboratory experiment, field survey and modelling from multiple viewpoints of ecohydraulics, ecohydrology and ecoinformatics for better management of water environment and aquatic ecosystems. I believe that interdisciplinary approaches shall contribute to balancing the trade-off between agricultural production and ecosystems conservation. Therefore, I am working with various scientists working on applied mathematics, computational intelligence, aquatic ecology, hydrology, irrigation engineering, postharvest engineering, ecotoxicology, etc. Discussions with my colleagues and others help me to establish a wider viewpoint and a deeper understanding in respective research field.

My joint research activities [Partner institutions]
-Application of biotelemetry and computational intelligence for predictive modelling of fish behavior [Ghent University, Belgium; Kyushu University]
-Ecoinformatics for the control of domestic invasive species [Gifu University; Kyushu University]
-Environmental hydrology and hydraulics in agricultural watersheds [Columbia (The University of Tokyo, CIAT, etc.); Vietnam (Kyushu University; Water Resources University; Hanoi University of Agriculture)]
-Optimization of pre- and post-harvest environments for fresh mango fruit [University of Tokyo; Chiang Mai University, Thailand; Hohenheim University, Germany]

About TUAT's tenure-track program

It is a great opportunity for me to establish my own laboratory with sufficient supports from TUAT. I will be doing my best for improving my ability in both research and education through domestic and international joint activities. Such networks can be beneficial for students to establish their viewpoints in globalization.

Future aspirations

The underpinnings of my research activity are “water” and “(agro)ecosystems”. Data-driven models as well as process-based models will be used for predictive modelling of spatio-temporal dynamics of a target system. Knowledge extraction is also an important aspect in my research and can provide us interesting information from field observation data. With such approaches, I will try my best to solve open problems related to water and agroecosystems.